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Park Rules & regulations


  • Registration and payment are due prior to arrival. No exceptions. Payment methods accepted are: Cash, Visa, MasterCard only. Arrival time should be cleared with management. Monthly fees are due by the 1st of the month. Late fee will be assessed on the 5th of the month.

  • MSRV must be notified 14 days prior to departure in order to receive any refunds due you.  Monthly fees will not be refunded if you decide to leave earlier than planned. 

  • Any approved boats, trailers, and motorized vehicles that are in addition to the two allowed will cost an additional $35 per month.  

  • At no time will any motorized vehicles be allowed to park on concrete patios.

  • We welcome pets and want you to make your site comfortable.  However, You must weed eat grass around any dog fences, flower planters, decorations, etc.  MSRV will maintain the grounds that we can access.

  • Background check will be performed prior to entrance.

  • All RVs must be fully self contained, well kept and in good condition. All RVs must be approved by MSRV management. RVs will be reassessed monthly.  We understand leaks and damage can occur, but we cannot have tarps or other temporary repairs blemish the appearance of the park.

  • Wi-Fi is provided as a convenience, not a guarantee of internet availability.  We invite you to use the satellite and other options that have become mainstream for the growing RV lifestyle.

  • A 5 mph speed limit is strictly enforced.

  • Maximum of four (4) people; one (1) RV; and two (2) vehicles per site. Four (4) people included in rates. Additional persons require approval and if approved cost $10 per person per night.  No ATVs, UTVs, or RTVs are permitted to be stored or operated on the property.  There are many storage options in our area.

  • No tent camping or sleeping in vehicles outside of the RV.

  • No sub-leasing is allowed.

  • No open campfires are allowed. BBQ grills are permitted.

  • Your site must be clean and tidy.  No clotheslines; outdoor freezers/refrigerators; fencing; barriers or pallets; dog kennels, pens or dog runs are allowed without approval from management.

  • No mats, rugs, etc., are allowed on the grass.  We want a nice green space to continue our goal of providing a quiet natural property.

  • All water hoses/sewer lines must be free from leaks; and sewer hoses must have a "do-nut" or threaded attachment into the sewer.

  • Solicitation or signs for the sale of products/services will not be allowed.

  • Trash must be placed in the dumpster. No trash cans are permitted outside of the RV.



  • Management must be notified prior to visitors entering the property. Visitors must comply with all MSRV Rules & Regulations.

  • You are responsible for the safety and conduct of your children and visiting guests.

  • Children under the age of 14 must have adult supervision in all common areas.

  • Children must be supervised and accompanied by a parent/guardian at all times.



  • MSRV is a smoke- and vape-free property, except at designated areas.

  • Absolutely no discharge, exhibition, or use of firearms or fireworks is allowed.

  • All weapons shall be kept in compliance with all applicable state and federal laws.

  • No consumption and public display of alcohol is permitted in any common area (unless approved by management).  The community BBQ and picnic area is intended to enhance your stay.  However, this area should remain family friendly. 

  • Mountain Springs RV Park LLC, or any of its representatives, staff or owners, will NOT be responsible for people of any age driving while under the influence.

  • No criminal or drug related activity in or near the MSRV will be tolerated.  We strive for our guests to have a great stay in a safe and legal community.



  • We are pet lovers.  All pets (dogs and cats) must be on a leash AT ALL TIMES. Wildlife/farm animals are not considered pets and are not allowed.

  • Pet's waste must be disposed of by bagging it and placing in the dumpster. This includes areas around your site and anywhere within MSRV property. This is a health issue for everyone.  A fee of $25 per clean up will be applied if the mowing service or MSRV staffers find your site to have animal waste present.

  • Management reserves the right to refuse pets based on behavior. NO VICIOUS DOGS OF ANY KIND WILL BE ALLOWED.  

  • Animals are the exclusive responsibility of their owners. Noisy pets will not be tolerated. 

  • Pets may not be left outside unattended.  There are doggy day cares in our area if you need that option.

  • No pet or wildlife food is allowed to be left outside.




  • All persons must have a valid driver's license to operate any motorized vehicle on Park property.

  • No parking on the street or on the grass.

  • Park your vehicle in your assigned site only. Any vehicle parked in a vacant site without management approval will be towed or charged for the space at the daily rate. Overflow parking is designated for guests only.  Contact us if you need rates for using more space on the property, we probably have a solution!

  • The operation of motorized scooters, ATVs, UTVs, RTVs, motorcycles, minibikes or any unlicensed motorized vehicle is prohibited on MSRV property.

  • No repairs or washing of vehicles or RVs allowed unless approved by management.  We want your RV kept clean, but our water supply is provided at no cost for normal house hold usage only.  There are RV cleaning services in the area.   



  • Excessive noise/nuisances created by guests/visitors will not be tolerated. An after-hour disturbance fee may be assessed for any calls received in addition to any fees or citations issued by Cooke County Sheriff's Department. Quiet hours are from 10:00 pm to 7:00 am.

  • Common courtesy shall prevail between all persons on MSRV property. Obnoxious, profane, abusive or threatening language, behavior and/or actions directed at MSRV personnel or guests, or that could adversely affect the enjoyment of other parties utilizing MSRV facility is prohibited; anyone engaging in such activity will be required to leave MSRV property immediately without refund at the sole discretion of MSRV management.


Mailing Procedures
  • ​The park mailbox is not for the use of tenets
  • Please use a P.O Box or have mail sent to your specific lot
  • Ensure when you order items, that they are being mailed to the proper spot and not our mailbox
Damage to MSRV property, including but not limited to: utilities; landscaping; roads; fencing; vehicles; street lights or signage is strictly prohibited. Guests will be held responsible for the repair of any damages. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. MSRV assumes no responsibility for fire, theft, vandalism, natural happenings, injury, accidents or losses from any cause.  MSRV is not responsible for any damage to vehicles caused by other guests/visitors. MSRV is not responsible for any personal property. MSRV reserves the right to limit the stay and number of persons per site. Willful violation of these rules will result in termination of services and barring from the property. These Rules & Regulations supersede any previously written or discussed Rules & Regulations; and rates may be changed at any time without prior notice. Please report any problems to MSRV management immediately including an email for best documentation. Please notify MSRV management of any incident or accidents as soon as possible including an email for best documentation. For medical, criminal, or fire emergencies, dial "911".


I/We ___________________________________________________ and _____________________________________________________, at Site #_____, hereby acknowledge that I/we have read and understand the foregoing Rules & Regulations and that I/we have been provided a copy of the same at the time of registration with the MSRV. Acceptance of the above Rules & Regulations is a condition of my/our space rental.



_____________________________________________________________________             ______________________________________

RV Guest(s)                                                                                                Date

​_____________________________________________________________________             ______________________________________

Mt. Springs RV Park Management                                                                                     Date


List names and ages of all occupants: ________________________________________________________________________________


List vehicles (make, model, license plate): _____________________________________________________________________________

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